A Big Cock Flip Flop Fuck For A Perfect Thursday Post – Mike De Marko And Jay Alexander

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Woah! This is something special, and not just because of the impressive big dicks we get in this new video from the ExtraBigDicks site. I think there must be something for everyone in this pairing with Mike De Marko and Jay Alexander. I should say, too, that it's pretty refreshing to see a story that's simply about two guys getting some cock. There's no big and elaborate tale to this one, no fanciful fantasy that's hard to swallow - pun intended :) Call me old fashioned but I like the idea of guys dating, then getting down to some hard and horny action like this. I know that might seem strange for a lot of guys out there, but this is the way it used to be before the days of hook-up apps! lol So, I already have a thing for Mike De Marko, I think he's gorgeous and he has a great body and a really nice cock too. This is the first time I've seen lean and fit Jay Alexander and his impressive dick, though. I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of him after this video. You can see how horny this video is from the photos, it's a really hot flip flop fuck with Jay getting fucked first then taking his turn to slide his incredible cock into Mike, and all finished off with some splashing cum loads dumped all over Mike. Check out the photos, leave a comment if you want to see more of Jay in the future and I'll make a note to pay more attention to the videos he's appearing in! a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-1 a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-2 a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-3 a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-4 a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-5 a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-6 a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-7 a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-8 a-big-cock-flip-flop-fuck-for-a-perfect-thursday-post-9

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8 years ago

Not my style, but the hairy tat crowd seems to enjoy them

mae west
mae west
8 years ago

Please do not post photos that take us to pay sites!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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