A Bareback Fuck Long in The Making – With Tyler James And Jordan Starr

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Bottom jock Tyler James and top dude Jordan Star couldn't wait to get this homemade fuck on video for you guys. So if you like what you see in these pics i recommend clicking her and watching it at NextDoorStudios.

Why is it so hot?

These guys have known each other for a while. They're from the same area and they've been kind of flirting with each other for a long damn time. This is the first time they've actually hooked up for some good ass ramming action.

I don't know if you have experienced that kind of longing, but I have. When you've lusted after someone for a while and you finally get the chance to hook up it can be one of the most intense experiences.

To say these guys enjoyed their opportunity would be an understatement!

It's also pretty damn hot that it's homemade. There's no pretending here. These guys are really going at it and it's all based on their genuine lust for that cock and ass. You can really tell that they've been wanting this for too long.

The cummy mess they make together is so good to see, too!

Enjoy some of the pics but click here for the video. You're gonna want to see this one :)

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