We’d All Go Into The Outback With Jack Tyerman

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What is it about Aussie guys that does it for so many of us? There are plenty of them out there in the male modeling business these days and it seems they've all come from the same crop. Photographer Paul Freeman is, I think, the one responsible for thrusting so many of these gorgeous guys into the limelight, most notably in his coffee table books of rugged outback guys looking all grubby and uber masculine. I'm down for that, and I think a lot of you guys are too. Having met a few Aussie guys over the years (honestly, it seems as though every bar in London has at least one Australian guy who stopped for a little too long while he was traveling around the world, for the second time) I've always found them to be pretty great guys, open-minded, adventurous, willing to try new things if you get what I mean :) I don't know whether gorgeous Jack Tyerman is one of those open-minded kind of guys, but I don't think I'm the only one here on this site who would love the opportunity to find out. He's one of those handsome and sexy men who isn't too shy about things, but doesn't flaunt it. He's got his cock out a few times for some sexy shoots, mostly for Mr. Freeman it seems, but you won't find a hundred pics of the guy revealing all. I kinda like that about him, it leads to more mystery. Check out these pics and enjoy his handsome goodness, that sexy ass and that one shot of his cock and balls (at least I think it's him!) Let me know what you guys think in the comments, share the post around out there, hit that thumbs up button! Most importantly, of course, have a fantastic Tuesday :)

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6 years ago

He looks so much better without that dreadful looking underwear…

6 years ago

More of him please

6 years ago

The photographer should rethink some of those photos. He doesn’t exactly have the best shape or features.

W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

Where’re the frontals of this handsome guy?

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