But TonyC is wrong about his marital status. He’s not married. In Italy, it’s said he’s gay. But it’s a rumour, of course. He has never made any statement about his private life or his sexual orientation. However, in 2008, the French magazine “Numero Homme” published an interview with Bolle where apparently, he made his “coming out”. Later, he said his words were misunderstood (because he is not good at French language). He said that he had never talked about his private life and he wouldn’t start now. These words were published in a letter written by him for “Vanity Fair”. He said he had the right to keep private certain aspects of his life. He never said if he’s gay or not because he considers he doesn’t have to satisfy that kind of curiosity. That’s why he never said “I’m not gay” or “I’m straight”.
According to “Nummero Homme” he had said (I’m translating): “Yes, I’m gay. But in Italy it’s better if you maintain discretion about it due to the huge power of the conservative Catholic Church”.
Gay or not, in 2008, the Italian magazine “Chi” said he was romantically linked with the Italian ex model Massimiliano Neri (they called them “Inseparable Gay Couple”). The magazine published pics of Bolle and Neri spending their holidays together in the island of Pantelleria (August 2008). They had been photographed together in May 2008. They were in Naples (where Neri lives) and Bolle was at his apartment. In my opinion, those pictures mean nothing, but they were enough to keep the rumours alive until now. Here you are a link to the pics (you can find more links on the Internet just writing his names).
Wow Tony, you really are a fan! lol
Thanks for this, I’ll try and email you my addy a little bit later, I want to see that pic 😉
Oh and Google always deletes blogs. I don’t know why people still bother using them for hosting a free blog when you can set one up yourself on private hosting for less than $10 a month. You should look into doing that! I’d read it 😉
Oh that’s great, thanks for sharing that. I think I’ll have to look at adding another post 😉