Comments on: Roberto Bolle – Sexy And Arty Photography By Milan Vukmirovic Free gay blog featuring daily photos of male models, shirtless hunks, nude men, naked guys, gay selfies, and the occasional porn star! Thu, 12 Apr 2012 23:26:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: CJ Thu, 12 Apr 2012 23:26:58 +0000 TonyC is right. Bolle danced naked in 2010 at San Carlo of Naples Theatre in “Giselle” (choreography by Mats Ek). You can watch the video on Youtube and many Italian sites.

But TonyC is wrong about his marital status. He’s not married. In Italy, it’s said he’s gay. But it’s a rumour, of course. He has never made any statement about his private life or his sexual orientation. However, in 2008, the French magazine “Numero Homme” published an interview with Bolle where apparently, he made his “coming out”. Later, he said his words were misunderstood (because he is not good at French language). He said that he had never talked about his private life and he wouldn’t start now. These words were published in a letter written by him for “Vanity Fair”. He said he had the right to keep private certain aspects of his life. He never said if he’s gay or not because he considers he doesn’t have to satisfy that kind of curiosity. That’s why he never said “I’m not gay” or “I’m straight”.
According to “Nummero Homme” he had said (I’m translating): “Yes, I’m gay. But in Italy it’s better if you maintain discretion about it due to the huge power of the conservative Catholic Church”.

Gay or not, in 2008, the Italian magazine “Chi” said he was romantically linked with the Italian ex model Massimiliano Neri (they called them “Inseparable Gay Couple”). The magazine published pics of Bolle and Neri spending their holidays together in the island of Pantelleria (August 2008). They had been photographed together in May 2008. They were in Naples (where Neri lives) and Bolle was at his apartment. In my opinion, those pictures mean nothing, but they were enough to keep the rumours alive until now. Here you are a link to the pics (you can find more links on the Internet just writing his names).

By: Conran Thu, 12 Apr 2012 16:12:18 +0000 In reply to TonyC.

Wow Tony, you really are a fan! lol
Thanks for this, I’ll try and email you my addy a little bit later, I want to see that pic 😉

Oh and Google always deletes blogs. I don’t know why people still bother using them for hosting a free blog when you can set one up yourself on private hosting for less than $10 a month. You should look into doing that! I’d read it 😉

By: TonyC Wed, 11 Apr 2012 20:22:46 +0000 Conran give me an email address..I’ll send you the picture I took the first evening at “Romeo & Juliet”..not supposed to have cameras but it didn’t stop the people around me..I was a bit to far back (8th row)but I have the greatest picture of his eyes..I was “stalking” this man for some time before & after the first performance.He truly is an”Athlete in Tights”, that I would never take away from Roberto but we were so excited to see some nude shots in the Weber book and I know it wasn’t because of Weber but Bolle and that Italian mentality…and you got to look real close at one nude shot, through the BUSH to see a glimpse of dick..Roberto is a HUGE man, standing at 6 feet 3-4inches about..but he towers over the women he dances with, they are like “flying helicopters” in his arms..but that year before he came in 2010, he actually did a full nude dance on stage in a dance in’s on his site, so I was confused who said no to nude..anyway I just wanted to say he looks allot leaner now in 2012,no more pasta or second servings..he was not fat in any way but you can now see the striations in his muscles, while in 2009-2010 he had to be at least 10 pounds heavier and that weight on your feet when you’re doing the leaps he does…injuries to his ankles and that’s where the injuries smart move…his site is very cool and you can “borrow” pics off there also..I want you to see those eyes I feel in love with way before the rest of the body..NOW, everyone in my dance class I was taking in NYC, says “Tony forget it ,he’s OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE, he likes woman, he’s married!”..well I investigated that a bit further..spending NYEVE 2010 with his sister??..I was told he’s married but his private life is that, very private but on the cover of the Italian “rags” there’s Roberto and a guy sunning on the beach(Paparazzi is where the WORD originated, in Italy), no women to be found and you’ll notice the woman he shows up with at formal he’s here in NYC now and always before the season begins, they do a huge party and they dance just a small dance..Bolle shows up with a fucking runway model..I mean if I were the women, I could not say no to that me, it doesn’t matter one bit but in this day and age, it helps the Gay Community, especially the younger suicidal gay kids.On his site you’ll see how he was discovered at a VERY early age by allot to carry on the shoulders of a human..I hope my enthusiasm has not overtaking your blog..I already had it on my Google blog but it all somehow got erased this I start from the beginning again…there were about 5 years missing but the pictures remained in Picassa..go figure??..thanks for the daily posts..not an easy thing to do guys…so I have never formally thanked you


By: Conran Wed, 11 Apr 2012 15:06:20 +0000 In reply to CJ.

Oh that’s great, thanks for sharing that. I think I’ll have to look at adding another post 😉

By: TonyC Tue, 10 Apr 2012 22:33:02 +0000 that is should read ABT NOT BAM

By: TonyC Tue, 10 Apr 2012 22:31:48 +0000 I did not know a thing about ballet until 2009 and I saw Roberto Bolle perform at Lincoln Center.These pictures you can not see his eyes..they are breathtaking blue/green..The next season I was determined to see each and every show he was in.He is a Principal Dancer with The American Ballet Theater(BAM)..see how much I learned!! well 2010 was a real learning experience because I was also taking a dance class in my gym,not like Bolle’s moves but for me pretty the two are happening at the same time..I was so excited,spent a gazillion dollars and got each ballet he was in. Each show I decided to take someone else because The Metropolitan Opera House is really something to see..we get there for the first(I think was Giselle) and out of the program falls a piece of paper telling us that Bolle is injured and will not perform..HUH??I had been following this guy all through Italy, he especially likes to perform at La Scala and in Germany..I was a madman in the MET..talking to the stage manager,who is holding a laptop and knows second by second what is happening..well my heart sank to a new low..we had third row seats for all the shows and he showed up ONE time and it was a ballet where he actually SITS IN THE CORNER for about 20 minutes…well that experience turned me off to Bolle and that Weber book is a waste of time for me…but I have to say the people who subbed for Bolle were Principle dancers also, so we were really treated to great dancing, I loved it and will return without anyone’s name on my head..that was a huge mistake


By: CJ Tue, 10 Apr 2012 22:25:55 +0000 You’re right. The book is “Roberto Bolle: An Athlete In Tights” by Bruce Weber. It’s an awesome collection of pics released in 2009. This is not his first collaboration with an artist. He worked together with Robert Wilson in a collection of video portraits called “Perchance to Dream”. If you are interested, here you are a link.

By: tgf Mon, 09 Apr 2012 20:54:28 +0000 I found Roberto online, he has a book of photos by Bruce Weber. I found it on amazon and bought it. Roberto is very athletic, and expressive, thanks for recognizing this hot man! 🙂
