Comments on: Bruin Collinsworth Is Definitely One For The Fans Of Powerful Gay Muscle Daddies! Free gay blog featuring daily photos of male models, shirtless hunks, nude men, naked guys, gay selfies, and the occasional porn star! Thu, 30 May 2024 00:06:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lance Rayburn Thu, 30 May 2024 00:06:51 +0000 First discovered Bruin a few years ago when I was watching a lot of runway shows featuring swimwear models. Don’t remember the designer/brand he modeled for, but I DID eventually find some nudes! A bit of detective work would surely get the same results I did.

By: Fowler Sat, 10 Dec 2022 06:19:32 +0000 A few decades ago I boxed with a sparring partner, a guy who had a solid midsection like this Bruin fellow. He went easy on me with his jabs at my belly but kept telling me not to hold back and really try to hurt him when throwing my punches. He’d tense his abs just before every punch so it was like my gloved hand was hitting concrete. I did see him wearing just his jock a few times, and he’d joke about his small dick. Bruin’s bulge in that mini brief looks like a huge one. Hope we get to see this dude boned out soon.
